Do you sometimes feel that your personal and/or professional life is far too busy? Does it seem like even though you work very hard, some important comittments and people are being ignored? Would you like a straightforward and sustainable strategy to help you be fully present, wherever you are?
These are some of the questions that 5 Gears: How to Be Present and Productive When There Is Never Enough Time explores, in an easy and accessible style. The book is a quick read (I read it on a flight between Winnipeg and Calgary) and the concept is simple (but not simplistic).
In essence, the authors use the metaphor a vehicle’s manual transmission to suggest that there are five levels (ie gears) of activity or engagement in our lives. We need to match the level of engagement with the specific context that we are in. I don’t want to spoil the book for you, but the gears range from Gear 5 (being in “the zone”, high focus and productivity) to Gear 1 (real rest and refreshment).
5 Gears is well written, the concepts are solid, and if you are looking for a specific tool to help you reclaim your life so that it is less chaotic, I recommend the book.
Happy Reading!
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