Biblical Hebrew Summary

Have you ever been studying a new language, and wished for a one-page summary of the key grammatical elements?  Well, if the language you are studying is Biblical Hebrew, then you are in luck!  As part of my studies years ago, I created a one-page summary of the key elements.  Feel free to use it as you learn (and let me know if it is helpful)!


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5 Replies to “Biblical Hebrew Summary”

  1. I have been studying Biblical Hebrew for the past 2 years and this is the most explicit and concise summary I have yet seen. Thank you so much for placing it on a website for others to access.
    Is there a way I could enlarge the printing? other than having it photcopied onto an A3?
    Again…Thank You.

  2. Hi, David. If you click on “one-page summary” above, you can download, save or print the pdf file.

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