Election 2015 Conversation – Open Invitation

Todd Doherty, Tracy Calogheros, and candidates-not-yet-announced.  Thank you for being willing to step up and play a significant leadership role in our local communities and in our country!

I would like to invite each of you to be a part of an ongoing and accessible leadership discussion about our community and the upcoming federal election.  In an electoral district as geographically and socially diverse as ours, it can be a challenge to connect with a large number of people, and my goal is that this online conversation will be valuable both to you and to the people of our region.

My specific request is this.  Will you please join me for a six week discussion that revolves around 12 questions (2 each week – one from me, and one from my readers/followers)?  Topics will likely include the economy, Canadian culture, international relations, justice, education, and more.

What will the discussion look like?   I will send two questions to each of you each week, and you will have approximately four days to send me your replies, which I will then cut and paste into a new posting on this web site.  There are only three rules for the replies:

  1. Answer the questions.  Each of you have strong beliefs (hopefully!), so please share them with clarity and conviction.
  2. 300 words maximum.  To help with clarity, limit your reply to each question to a maximum of 300 words.  The more focused your comments are, the more likely they are to be read by potential voters.
  3. No personal attacks.  I enjoyed my years in junior high, but they are over.  🙂

What do you gain by participating in this online discussion?

  • An opportunity to connect with people with whom it may be difficult to connect with otherwise.  Hooray for the power of the Internet!
  • An opportunity to express your values, goals, commitments, etc in your own words.
  • An opportunity to hear the questions, comments, and values of your potential constituency, in their own words.
  • An opportunity to engage with each other, in a focused and moderated context.

Each week, I will promote the conversation through my social media channels, and as interest grows, no doubt others will promote it as well.

So … are you in?  Please let me know if you are willing to participate.  Thanks!


PS.  I can only imagine how busy you are and I want to respect your time, so if you are on vacation at some point during the six weeks just simply let me know and I will indicate that you are unable to answers the questions that week.  Family and personal time are important, especially for those of us in leadership roles.

PPS.  How does everyone else get involved?

  • Follow the conversation here, on Twitter, or on LinkedIn with the tag “#CPGLeadership“,
  • Post your comments, questions, opinions, etc (anything offensive will be deleted), and
  • Share this web site on your social media accounts!  Let’s get lots of people involved in the future leadership of our country!

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