Kindle Book

In 2012, I published my first book, through Kindle Direct Publishing.  Check out my Author Page, and see how the experiment is going!


Journal and Magazine Articles (selected)

Prince George Citizen

In addition to teaching and church leadership, from 2011-2012 I authored a weekly column in the Prince George Citizen.  To give you a sense of what the column was about, here is a partial excerpt from the introductory column:

Religion.  Spirituality.  God.  Have you ever wanted to have a conversation about these topics, but didn’t know who to talk to?  Starting today, the Citizen invites you to read and participate in a new weekly column that explores spirituality in Prince George and around the world.  The topics will be wide-ranging, relevant and engaging, and a key element to the column will be an ongoing “Q&A” feature – we want your questions and ideas for topics to discuss!  Read the column.  Ask questions.  Get involved, and let’s talk and explore together.