Small Group Strategy

I just finished reading an article about Small Group Strategy, in which the author (Jim Egli), suggested that many churches have misunderstood the purpose of both large groups and small groups.  Based on Acts 2:41-47, he concludes that the early church met in two different contexts – in a large group setting “at the Temple” and in a small group setting “in homes”.

Egli states that “People have a hunger and a need to experience God in two different ways.  They need to experience God’s greatness.  They need to know that he is big and powerful and awesome.  They can best experience that in a larger group [through worship, preaching and teaching].  On the other hand, in a small group you experience God’s closeness [through using your gifts, sharing, giving and receiving personal ministry].”

What do you think?  What have your experiences been?  Is that a fair description of the differences between “Sunday morning church” and “weekly small groups”?  If it is true, how do we need to change both our large groups and our smal groups?

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2 Replies to “Small Group Strategy”

  1. Thanks for the comment, Ron! I agree that Westwood has done a pretty good job of embracing many of the differences between large and small groups. I wonder what the experience of those in other local churches has been?

    As for Egli’s comments about who could/should “lead” a small groups, I also think he makes some good observations. Unfortunately, at least in a Canadian context, the term “leadership” often pushes people away from ministry involvement. “I’m not a leader” (which sometimes means “I don’t want to be a leader”) is a common reason given for a person’s non-involvement. I have some theories on why we sometimes use that as our rationale, but I wonder what the experience of others has been. Any of you other readers have any ideas about that?

  2. I thought at Westwood we had already taken the position that intimacy and growth happened at the small group level and worship at the large group. The key thing is that if you accnowledge that then there is no need to feel discouaged when the inevitable happens. Seems to me that it is important to have lots of healthy small groups and do a powerful sunday service.
    On small groups I was challenged by the empasis on prayer. It was something that I had empasized in the past but was now focusing on other aspects. It was a good reminder that without God I can do nothing. Also with God all types of people can be leaders.

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